• N@tm was a very fun experience for my team and I, we got to meet lots of new adults (mostly parents) who were interested in our project and provided a lot of positive and helpful feedback. Our page had a very good theme for all (money) which helped our demo flow well together. I think I have grown from the start of the trimester to not only have imrpoved in my computer science skills but also my collaborating skills. I think with the current team I have our Atlas project turned out as we planned or even better in some places!
  • Some given feedback during n@tm was to make our features DIFFERENT from the original (zillow/redfin, etc for my feature). We were advised to have something more unique and original rather than just a copy of something existing implemented into the website. This made me think of possible things I could add to my feature to improve it, and I came up with the idea of adding a favorites option to add on to my feature as well as display the information in a way that differs from the typical zillow or redfin. One possible idea could be adding every single possible detail of each house into its details section and add contact information about specific REALTORS in different areas of san diego county who could fit a specific buyers goal.

  • During night at the museum I saw a lot of interesting and creative projects. I could tell that most groups had inputted a lot of effort into it. However, due to great skill and high sophistication, a few CSA teams I saw had great projects using more advanced features that included AI. For example there was a stocks prediction feature where an AI could predict future pathways of the stock or real-time following which I found pretty cool. Another cool project I saw outside of CompSci was a project from Digital Media Productions 3 and photography, there were some very cool pictures and one of the videos had great editing, transitioning, and creative topics.