Week 4

One of our problems was getting the images from the scrum diagram to load. Our code didn’t have the right spaces where they needed to be, so to fix this we pasted the code into a google doc from Lincoln (he had it working) and then the rest of us copied it and pasted it into our html file were the spaces work. Team collaboration also wasn’t so good. We planned to work on all things over the weekend, but Abdullah had plans and left for Washington D.C. while Ishan just simply didn’t want to do anything. Eventually, Ishan decided to do us a favor and help out and all of us finally had all the things ready and we started to screen record the code. After that we did voiceover and I proceeded to edit the video and make it better.

Main Troubles/Solutions

Our main troubles were cooperation, and we couldn’t load the python game, which we’re still trying to make it work. Some other issues was that we messed up some of the voice over.