Individual Review


Original Idea

  • In our original project we were planning to create a python multiplayer game involving different types of frogs.
  • I created different tables with 5-6 different frogs resembling the “characters” of the game. We were plannignt to also provide facts apart from having the user enjoy the fun game.
  • However, we overlooked it and didn’t realize that python games are not able to display on a website. This meant that we had to restart our whole project and now we came up with the idea of a frog API

  • This is all of our data for frogs. Originally started in js it’s roughly 600 lines of code with information about our 50+ frogs.

More: This is some basic JS Code that I added to our page to make it more interactive. The rain is there because frogs like the rain and the jumping frog is simply a cool addition.

This is what our website ended up looking like: Project

Key Commit:

  • The information being the most important part of our project means that the code I just talked about IS the key commit since without it there would have been no data about the frogs, whie the whole point of our project was that it was a frog API/search engine.

This is my collegeboard quiz plans/results/reflection: Collegeboard Quiz

This is my personal notes from the team teach: Team Teach Notes

This is my pseudocode note-taking: Pseudo Code Notes

This is my Python note-taking: Python Notes

This is the N@tm Extra Credit Peer Grading: N@tms Reviews

This is my Trimester 1 Reflection: Reflection:

This is additional resources for me: Python/JS/Pseudo Code Resources