Individual Review
- In our original project we were planning to create a python multiplayer game involving different types of frogs.
- I created different tables with 5-6 different frogs resembling the “characters” of the game. We were plannignt to also provide facts apart from having the user enjoy the fun game.
However, we overlooked it and didn’t realize that python games are not able to display on a website. This meant that we had to restart our whole project and now we came up with the idea of a frog API
- This is all of our data for frogs. Originally started in js it’s roughly 600 lines of code with information about our 50+ frogs.
This is some basic JS Code that I added to our page to make it more interactive. The rain is there because frogs like the rain and the jumping frog is simply a cool addition.
This is what our website ended up looking like:
- The information being the most important part of our project means that the code I just talked about IS the key commit since without it there would have been no data about the frogs, whie the whole point of our project was that it was a frog API/search engine.
This is my collegeboard quiz plans/results/reflection:
Collegeboard Quiz
This is my personal notes from the team teach:
Team Teach Notes
This is my pseudocode note-taking:
Pseudo Code Notes
This is my Python note-taking:
Python Notes
This is the N@tm Extra Credit Peer Grading:
N@tms Reviews
This is my Trimester 1 Reflection:
This is additional resources for me: Python/JS/Pseudo Code Resources