Quiz Plans:

Pseudo Code + More

  • Overview the general purpose and how it functions
  • How its similar/different from python
  • Practice using pseudo code at study.com
  • Look back at team teaches
  • Take other practice quizzes
  • Take a look at previous exams and understand structure


  • Procedures
  • Simulations
  • Concavity


55/66 = 83.33333%

Corrections + Reflection

Overall, I am happy with the score I got since I understood, and answered 80% of the questions correctly. Below I will list the questions I got wrong with the right answer provided.

Question 11:

Answered: B Correct answer: D The two options are identical except B is divided into 1, 3 meaning each spin there’s a 1/3 chance of getting a specific color while D represents 1, 6 or 1/6 chance of spinning a specific color.

Question 22:

Answered: D Correct answer: B Instead of it being total > 0.5 (counter) which will always be true, it had to be counter > 0.5 (total)

Question 23:

Answered: A Correct answer: B Model A is a square where to get to S the function can just go from P -> Q -> S or P -> R -> S, the right model displays only one possible solution; P -> R -> Q -> S

Question 28:

Answered: C (7) Correct Answer D (8) Accidentally misclicked, but right answer is 8 because 2^8 is over 200 while 2^7 is not.

Question 30:

Answered: B (2 hours) Correct answer: D (5 hours) The reason why its D is because each call to the Analysis procedure requires one hour of program execution time. It executes once inside the loop and 4 times outside the loop therefore 5 hours is the right answer.

Question 36:

Answered: A (Overflow error occured) Correct answer: B (float-pointint presentation) The right answer is B because the fixed number of bits used to represent real numbers limits range of floating-point values.

Question 37:

Answered: B (2 displays right 1 does not) Correct answer: C (both display the correct answer) They both work, 1 just requires more arithmetic operations

Question 38:

Answered: A (count/10=0) Correct answer: C (count MOD 10 = 0) C is correct because because it evaluates true when count is multiple of 10.

Question 51:

Answered: Skipped Accidentally Correct Answer: B (develop a system that matches each letter) B is right because its a symmetric encription since the secret key is used for both encryptive and decryptive messages.

Question 57:

Answered: A (returns Huppy) Correct answer: B (returns Happy) The expression concatenates first two letters of Harp with last three letters of Puppy resulting in happy.

Question 58:

Answered: A (1, 2, 3) Correct Answer: (1,2 only) Option 3 does not work since some of the problems aren’t solvable on time.