Abraham and Sarah: The Covenant

Covenants: Genesis 12-17; Abraham 1–2

img Warm-Up activity, abbreviated review of Abraham and Covenants

  1. As individual or in groups of 2 or 3. Ponder desire and its relationship to blessings. What comes when we establish a relationship with God? What is the Abrahamic Covenant? What is the promise from the covenant to each of us?
  2. Read: Abraham 1:2
  3. Read: Genesis 12:2-3
  4. Read: Gallations 3:27-29
  5. Read: Abraham 2:9,11
  6. Read: The Covenant

Abraham’s progress relates to each of us

Thoughts from our Day

  • Revelations/Thoughts while reading
    • What have you pondered? What revelations/thoughts have you received as you have read about the Abrahamic Covenant?
    • Have you considered the importance of counsels and covenants with God?
    • 3’As (Atonement, Agency, and Abrahamic Covenant) are key topics to end 2021 and start 2022. What relationships do you see in these topics?
  • Religions, Lifespans and Genealogies
    • Abraham lived approximately 2000 years after Adam left the Garden of Eden. Noah may have died when Abraham was 60 years old. Shem, Noah’s son, may have outlived Abraham.
    • The Abrahamic faiths are Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Sarah is the Judaism and Christianity matriarch. Hagar is the Islam matriarch.
    • Ishmael, who was 13 when Isaac was born, is considered the founder of Ishmaelites in Islam. He is the son of Abraham and Hagar. Ishmael is considered the ancestor of Muhammad.
    • Isaac is the only son of Abraham and Sarah who were 100 years and 90 years respectively. Isaac was the father of Esau and Jacob (Israel).
    • Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are referred to collectively as the patriarchs of Judaism.
    • Sarah (Abraham), Rebekah (Isaac), Leah & Rachel (Jacob) are known as “the four mothers” in Judaism.