The Fall of Adam and Eve

Genesis 3–4; Moses 4–5 » In the Beginning

creation Agency required

  • Review and ponder, individually or with your 3 person team, all the things that point to the importance of agency.
    1. Moses 4.1 Satan, “I will redeem all mankind”
    2. Moses 4.2 Beloved Son, “Thy will be done, and the glory be thine”
    3. Genesis 3.5 Serpent, “ye shall be as gods, knowing good from evil”
    4. Genesis 3.6 Eve, “a tree to be desired to make one wise”
    5. Moses 4.12 Eve and Adam partake of the fruit
    6. Moses 5.2 Eve and Adam bear sons and daughters
    7. Moses 5.3 Sons and Daughter divide 2 and 2 in the land
    8. Moses 5.5 Voice of the Lord, “worship the Lord their God” and offer Sacrifice
    9. Moses 5.6 Adam, I know not save the Lord commanded me”
    10. Moses 5.9 The Son declares, “… thou mayest be redeemed”
    11. Moses 5.11 Eve was glad saying, “… the joy of our redemption”

Thoughts from our Day

  • What are some literal and figurative things you have learned as you consider the creation of Adam and Eve?
  • Do some Christian churches now believe Adam as solely figurative? Reality of Adam and Eve
  • What does church say about Evolution? What do you say about evolution when asked?
  • Joseph Smith provided a literal interpretation of the creation… God made man and put into it the Spirit of Adam. Plus, the Spirit and the Body are the Soul of Man Genesis 2:7
  • Michael (Adam) fought against the Dragon (Satan) in the War of Heaven. Revelations 12:7
  • According to Joseph Smith if you were to see God, you would see him as a man, Adam was a man in his image. Genesis 1:27
  • Adam is our Priesthood Leader. All the prophets who have held keys of priesthood authority upon the earth will come to Adam-ondi-Ahman council to give a report of their work to Adam. Adam-ondi-Ahman