
  • Elder Holland has an Apple Watch
  • Organist had two left hands from one angle.
  • Wicked who Fight against Zion after Korihor reference
  • Courage, but the Lord only we will obe after the Prophet

Jeffrey Holland

Why we don’t use the cross. Respect the devoted lives of those that do.

  • Cross was introduced in 4th or 5th century
  • We are a restored church. The absence of symbol is a true restoration.
  • Two pieced of ART Crucifixion and Resurrection. Logo shows Resurrection.
  • Lives of people must be representation of Faith. Integrity and Backbone and take up the cross and follow the Savior. Mental Illness, Single, Debilitating Poverty, Identity Gender … There is a cost to discipleship.
  • Wait of or challenges should make us more empathetic. Everyone is invited into Redeemers embrace "Isaiah acceptance, CONGREGATION"

J Annette Davis

Cassie dog, Jack owner, dog did not obey and commands. Owner was upset with Dog. The dog had two deep cuts. Pain suffering and wounds caused dog to disobey.

  • If we fully understood we would help, not add to burdens.
  • Loving circumstance allow us to lift burdens on both sides.
  • Charity, Love, Kindness, Mercy; common topics; Love others, not judge them.
  • Nobody has perfect lives; all are needed in Body of CHrist; power in Unity "Isaiah Unity"

Gerrit W Gong

Life happy ever after, then we grow up. Happy and Forever are not fairy tales, but God’s plan of happiness. As in Adam all die, even so in Christ … Joyfully abundant eternal life. Infinite and Eternal.

  • Joyfully learned Families could be together. Friends had no desire to be Sealed to her Father. Dream of Father and request to do other work for family.
  • Researched diligently of a Gr. Grandfather. Dream of a man needed to be found. Gr. Grandfather was not who they thought. A bent branch is not a bad tree.
  • Atonement - unites spirit and body
  • Atonement - fruits of repentance. Divine ordinance enable sanctification through grace.
  • God knows and loves us perfectly. Encircles humble and penitent.
  • Lord gives us divine opportunity to become like him. Saviors on Mount Zion through Temple Work.
  • Golden rule. Repentance and Forgiveness. Offer to others what we need and desire. Repent and Forgive. "Isaiah, Repent and Forgive"

Joseph W Satati

We can’t negotiate only our desires and get away with it. Focus is on turning away from enticing of bod and turn toward Discipleship

  • Korihor anti Christ. Alma … All things denote there is a God
  • My God, How Great thou Art
  • Heart need to be receptive to Sprit of Truth
  • Humility before God is a foundational attribute. Jesus Christ humbled himself and was baptized
  • It is possible to Love God with all our being and Love others without holding back "Isaiah, Love God and Others"

Steven J Lund

Week long session of Strength of Youth. On Monday, annoyed. Friday, the want to stay and live like this conference. Spirit responds to Young Hearts.

  • At conferences the Youth that will return will be different
  • Youth of Zion have trying time
  • Discussed miracles of Dutch mission start and end, you don’t need to wear the badge to bear his name. Keep doing it at home. Discipleship is a part of your life. Trust in the Lord. "Isaiah, Youth of Zion"

David A Bednar

New Testament is full of parables. The intended meaning is not expressed directly.

  • Parable of Royal Marriage Feast
    • Sons did not come, in spite of fatted calf
    • Jewish wedding were very important events
    • Not coming is an act of rebellion
    • Farm and Business priorities show lack of focus
    • Robes for guess provided, in order to make everyone equal
    • King gave guess close from his own wardrobe
    • And he was speechless, they did not robe in garment, disrespect for King and Son
    • For many are called, but few are chosen… all do not have on the wedding garment
  • We can choose to be chosen, do not have hearts set on things of the world
  • Zion must arise and put on her beautiful Garments "Isaiah, Zion, Garment or Wedding Garment"

Russel M Nelson

We are constantly on the Prophets mind. He weeps over our heartaches. HF and JC are intermittently aware of our needs. He testifies of their love.

  • Curl up in PJs, but so many things are ahead.
  • We will see manifestation of the Saviors power on faithful lives.
  • Many feel overwhelmed or exhausted. Some leave Church because it requires too much.
  • Open House committee insight on Washington DC temple. Temple journey symbolism. Boy pointed to alter as a place of rest on temple journey. Covenant in Temple, Come upon me all you labour, I will give you rest…
  • Heavenly Power is reward for keeping covenants. This power leads our way. Special rest.
  • Savior has overcome the world. Savior wills that we will overcome the world.
  • Savior redeemed us from weakness, sin. Including arrogance, pride, anger, jealously fear.
  • 1st What is overcoming the world? Give away are favorite sins. Overcoming the world means grow to love HF and JC.
  • 2nd How do we do it? Yield to the enticing of the HG. Becometh a Saint. Living gospel produces Spiritual Momentum. Do the spiritual work, JC will lift us the pull.
  • 3rd How does it bless our lives. Making covenants will come with opposition. But, we have access to JC strength and redeeming power.
  • Urge us to take charge of our testimony of JC. Continually strengthen and watch for miracles. Overcome the world through covenants. This will lead to REST.
  • Prepare a people to receive Jesus Christ. "Isaiah, Covenants"