
  • Dallin Oaks Conducting
  • Sunshine in My Soul

Henry B Eyring

Encourage you to continue striving to return to HF and JC. His mother talked about the Savior as she approached death, despite years of physical and personal trial.

  • For now man can be saved unless faith in name of Jesus Christ. Mormon and Moroni referenced. Hope in atonement of Christ and resurrection.
  • Mormon gave encouragement that faith and meekness will build confidence in your struggle.
  • Charity suffereth long and is kind … Charity never fails.
  • He sees key words in his life, with suffering of his wife. "Isaiah, Great Hope"

Ryan K Olson

Individual and collective love of the Savior bind us together. Young person talked about impact of being sustained as General Authority.

  • Answer to simplest and most complex questions is Jesus. Way, truth, and light.
  • Know Christ, remember, and serve him.
  • Recounts missionary service and missionary experiences as President
  • Please help me know what to say? He asked her what to say? Sister missionary knew the answer!
  • Heed to prophets call "Isaiah, Answer is Jesus"


Which of Jesus names should I take upon myself.

  • Holy Habits and righteous routines
  • Faithful and True, Resurrection and the Life "Isaiah, Names of Jesus, Lord"


Battle of Nephites and Lamenites.