
  • Dallin Oaks conducting

Gérald Caussé

Bishop of the Church. Talks about the creations of the Earth. All things are made for benefit and use of man.

  • Stewardship means we have responsibility. All life belongs to Goad, he is the owner. Love respect and care for all humanities which we share the Earth.
  • Care of the Earth. Do not consume resources with care and consideration.
  • We should be governors for fellow men. Love thy neighbor is encompassed in the heart. We need to work tirelessly for peace and harmony.
  • Participate in work of creation. We participate when we cultivate the earth, architecture, discoveries, etc. Work when moved upon by the Spirit.
  • Life and each persons body are sacred.
  • All is spiritual.

Michelle D. Craig

Stand fast and find peace. Look to Savior and enjoy his presence.

  • 1857 Nebraska Paper Women dragging handcarts as beasts. Children doing the same.
    • God revealed truths to these pioneers, nothing could detour there route.
  • 1st Keep our Covenants, even when it is not easy. Troubles are part of the plan. HF is more interested in growth vs comfort. Gradually receive HF light. Approach the Savior. Don’t compare journey to others.
  • 2nd we can act in Faith. This requires action. Emily.. Little sister was crushed on fake note that family moved, she simply needed to open the door. Scripture accounts of acting and being healed.
  • 3rd be whole hearted and joyful. We choose to come to earth. Trials a part of the plan. Pray earnestly. Widow gave hear all, her 2 mites. When you stumble keep getting up.
  • Her path is to do the small and simple things. This is her path to discipleship.

Kevin W Pearson

As Priest gave blessing, words pressed on his mind. Witness unto God that we are willing. Also, do always remember him. Taking Sacrament is powerful reminder of Saviors Infinite Atonement.

  • Willingness on Cost Benefit Analysis. NO. Precepts of men rarely align with divine truth.
  • Willingness is how long we commit to the Holy Ghost.
  • BOM is catalyst to growing and restoring Faith. Covenant path is a deep commitment to Christ. Discipleship is not cheap. HG is priceless. “Temple comes up again”, this is my weakness in this sermon.

Danelson Silva

He received a Book for a friend that BOM is true. But, it was last year of his Topography degree. 5 months later he had missionaries who told them to read several chapter of the BOM.

  • Tangible proof of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He became a disciple of Christ.
  • Defend and Proclaim the Truth when we receive the Gospel.
  • Missionaries have full certainty on how to proclaim the gospel. Love share invite.
  • Pres Nelson there is absolute truth… as they are, as they were, as they become.

Neil L Andersen

He sees goodness in us as followers. Jesus said conditions of the earth when he will come. H B Eyring increasing perilous time. Eyes see and Ears hear. Wheat will grow side-by-side with the tares. Much is good and much is evil side-by-side.

  • Spiritual survival requires us the strengthen our roots.
  • Lord will never desert is covenant people. But it come only as we strengthen our faith. Sacred on-going process.
  • Immerse ourself more in Jesus "Perhaps do this in Isaiah in Lesson"
  • Our covenants lead us closer and closer to him. Additional Godly power comes into the world with each new temple.
  • HG safeguard and protect this gift. constant influence of the Holy Ghost. Do you dare to be different, go forward against world opposition. Many people stand
    • Don’t be quiet about coming over addiction.
    • Keep law of chasity and abstain from pornography.
    • Keep going to church when family stopped
    • Miracles in Kiev for new mother "Temple embrace covenants" [Isaiah](