
  • Conducted by Dallin H Oaks
  • Henry B Eyring sustaining of General Authorities. No longer do they read all the Seventies.
  • 3 handed organist with Missionary Choir and lots of older missionaries, particularly on Women’s side
  • Saturday evening session announced

M Russel Ballard

Hope in the Lord Jesus Christ

  • Foot steps of Faith. Recount family and leaders that came across to plains to Salt Lake
  • Relates Foot steps to our day and preparing the way for our future generations
  • Recounts his footstep as a missionary, as well as other missionaries today being modern pioneers
  • Recounts Pres Nelson, take charge of your Testimony, spiritual capacity
  • Jesus says, I am way, truth and life …

Kristin M Yess

King David request to Nabal rejected. Abigail went to David with the food. Thus, David sends her peace and accepted her offering.

  • Savior took upon our sins as a Abigail to upon Nabal.
  • Savior offers us the ability to forgive anyone. Even so things don’t canker our soul.
    • Personalizes forgiveness with life and Father
    • Savior led her to a better place
    • HF allows her to relate a perfect love
    • Her earthly Father’s miracle of repentance
  • Choice Kindness for Cruelty, recounts story of Joseph of Egypt and how he in turn said God sent Joseph to Egypt

Paul V Johnson

HF and JC can save us. Grandson had anemia and bruising. Blood could not clot of fight off infections. Bone marrow transplant was hope. Aaron’s bone marrow must be destroyed before receiving transplant of Max cells. Aaron could not heal his bone marrow.

  • Aaron would end up having Max’s DNA. Aaron blood cells would be changed.
  • Jesus atonement has same cleansing impact. Similar to Alma the youngers change.
  • We are made perfect through Jesus, by God’s grace
  • We may not understand the entirety of the process, but by his grace we will become perfect

Ulysses Suarez

Talked about debt vs gift. Full partnership of Husband and Wife. No abuse.

  • Adam and Eve worked together by the sweat of their brow
  • They had children and prayed together
  • Disability or Divorce or other trials my necessitate adjustments, spoke of divorced couple keeping their temple commitments to their children

Jame W McConkie III

Slovak mission president. Studied 5 gospels, 3 Nephi. They sought to see Jesus as he was.

  • Mark 2 1-12 story of lower sick of palsy
  • Back story returned to Copernicus, homes were single story with thatched roofs, palsy is a paralysis. The press/crowd was great, people did not give up they lowered the man to room. Jesus determines this is not an interruption, but something that matter. Jesus saw their faith.
  • All callings are to bring others to Christ
  • The four represent community and fellowship, each has role to play in carrying their corner. We each have a corner to carry. Or, in some case we may need to be carried.

Jorge F Zeballos

Civil Engineering designing building and other structures, Anti seismic structures. Point os seismic resistant, not anti seismic. Relates to information is applicable to life. Earthquake does leave a mark seismic structures.

  • Jesus resisted temptation of adversary. Fast and applies scripture as he answered Satan.
  • Satan or adversity can leave marks/cracks in our lives. But, by building resistance we can avoid temptations beyond what we can bear.

D Todd Christofferson

Centrality of Jesus Christ is belonging.

  • Diversity of Church is naturally occurring. It started with mostly European white people.
  • Root prejudice of Church, Homes, and Hearts.
  • Sense if belonging is important. However, we may feel we don’t fit in or meet expectations of others.
  • New ward. Fertility problems. Asking questions about family, newlyweds. Many have similar isolation issues need to come unto Savior; renew covenants; find peace; assist others who fell the don’t belong.
  • I don’t meet the ideal is a very strong feeling.
  • Ministering is how we end up belonging. Even though this seems counter cultural.
  • Divorce Husband or send Children to day care if they are annoying you.
  • We join for redemption, participate in Zion, for covenants.