Quentin L Cook | Personal Peace in Challenging Times | Oct 2021 | Faith To Act

2021 Oct Sunday Morning Conference Talk

Youtube Video

  1. Think of a current challenge, think as Joseph Smith thought O God were art thou. Read as individual or pair …
  2. As we rely on Jesus Christ … do we believe all that is unfair in life can be made right through Jesus Christ
    • Quentin Cook comments on the lack of civility
    • What is an example of how you make right the lack of civility through the atonement of Jesus Christ?
    • What power do you use to withstand the moment?
  3. Excerpts from Q. Cook 5 highlights
    • First Love God - Post WWII by George Albet Smith, “reminded the Saints of the Savior’s invitation to love their neighbors and forgive their enemies”. What do we think today as Russia invades Ukraine? Elder Holland, there is a quote that says “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
    • Second Seek the Fruits of the Spirit - “will pitch our tents toward the temple”. This was reference to Lot and Abraham actions after parting ways and dividing land. In adversity, how do we avoid resentment? avoid the false coping strategies?
    • Third Excercise Agency to Choose Righteousness - “agency is at the heart of personal growth and experience”. How do we act in challenge? “all that is unfair in life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ”. My heart mourns for post missionary service and those that feel like they can’t recover from failing in their agency. Or members, who ultimately get to the Temple and suffer because of post Temple covenant breaking. My Testimony, I have experienced problems in my personal agencency because of “unfair circumstances”. Things can be made right throught the atonement.
    • Fourth Build Zion in our Hearts and Homes - “religious observance can “unleash the power of families … to transform [our] home[s] into a sanctuary of faith.” I believe the pandemic was an opportunity for the Church to follow the prophet on “home-centered, church-supported religous observance”. As I have returned to school and have sat in equity, avoiding microagressions, and all lives matter type of meetings … It is my opinion, that our tolerance and love needs to increase, but also are covenant observance needs to be able to withstand all. I believe we live in a time similar to when Abraham was looking for 50 great souls to unite with him in faith and with God. Ultimately he could only could worship as a family.
    • Fifth Follow the Current Admonitions of Our Prophet - “feel enduring peace and joy, even in turbulent times”. I find it intrguing that Elder Cook says “Current Admonitions”. In turbulant time we don’t want to be Lot’s wife, perhaps that could be looking back at old admonitions by old prophets. Also, we need to feel joy and look ahead. Thoughts?