Eureka Moments (discovery, inspiration, clarity)

Today, I was reading “Collegues may be better off coming together after solo brainstorming sessions leading to more organized and productive meetings.” The Gospel of Jesus Christ is clearly asking us a similar opportunity…

  • We are instructed to study “Come Follow Me”
  • At the top of the lesson it states, read the scripture before reading the outline
  • Record impressions that you could share with Family or Church Classes

Mathew 21 - Behold, Thy King Cometh

When Jesus arrived at Jerusalem just days before He accomplished His Atonement, those who recognized Him as their King showed their devotion by anointing Him, putting clothes and palm branches along His path into Jerusalem, and shouting praises.

  • Triumphal Entry Math 21:1-11 account.
  • Mathew 21:12-13 Jesus overthrows the tables in the temple.
    • 21:14 Then the blind and lame came and he healed them
  • Mathew 21:19 The fig tree without fruit
    • 21:22 Amd all things,whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.
  • Mathew 21:28 A certain man had two sons … go work today in my vineyard
    • 21:29 I will not: but afterward he repented, and went.
    • 21:30 I go, sir: and went not.
  • Mathew 21:33 Householder let out vineyard to husbandmen
    • 21:34 At time of the fruit Householder sent his servants to the husbandmen
    • 21:35 Husbandman beat and killed servants
    • 21:36 More servants sent, again the were beat and killed
    • 21:37-39 Householder sent his Son, whom the caught, cast out and slew
    • 21:42 The stone which the builders rejected, the same is the head of the corner … it is marvelous in our eyes
    • 21:43 The kingdom of God shall be taken from you (meaning the Husbandman), and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
    • 21:44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.
    • 21:45-46 Pharisees realization.
    • These are my note from reading householder parable. My questions … Who has claimed to be the nation bringing forth the fruits thereof? Rome, United States? Any other speculation or opinions in references out there?

Triumphal Entry and Time Travel

Reading the Triumphal entry and following events provided strong feellins and desires to put myself into these days and events. The feeling of the entry is something I desired to experience. My feeling were stirred by these events: triumphal entry, temple, healings, parables.

  • “Given time travel aka by the Delorean with Flux Capacitor… What would be the top or most popular events in Jesus’s life and/or visits that you would desire to visit?”

Love God (Part 1)

Matthew 22:34–40

  • In my experience, Loving God sometimes is the lessor discussed of the two commandments - I would like to see if you can make an inference to our family humor. In a family discussion we talked about Loving God. In this discussion we talked about loving God in relation to commandments given to Moses, by our recollection we simply remembered “not to curse his name” and have “no other gods”. This led to dialog about “Model Trains”, “Computer Science” and “Korean TV Shows”. Can you determine why we drifted into that discussion?

If I ask the Lord, He will teach me (Part 2)

  • In reading the story in the New Testament of the Rich Young Man, told three times Matthew 19:16–22; Mark 10:17–22; Luke 18:18–23. Can you see how this relates to Model Trains, Computer Science, and Korean TV from our family story.

The Laborers in the Vineyard

Matthew 20:1–16 is a parable about a householder who went out to hire laborers in the Vineyard agreeing to pay them a penny a day. The householder went out again at the 3rd, 6th, 9th hour and did likewise. Finally, he went out at the 11th hour an questioned those who stood idle, he found out that no one hath hired them. he hired laborers through the day, evensome at the 11th hour, every man receiving a penny. Does anyone relate to this story, either by being and early hire or a late hire?

Jesus Christ, fall on this stone

Have you ever tried to do the right thing at the right time and still wondered about your standing with the Lord? What is the meaning of Mathew 21:44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken?