Question 12:

  • Answered: A






  • Correct answer: C IF(CAN_MOVE(left))





  • Explanation: For each iteration of the loop, this code segment rotates the robot left if there is an open square to its left. Then, whether or not the robot rotates left, the code segment attempts to move the robot forward one square. In the first three iterations of the loop, the robot moves forward three squares from its initial location. In the next iteration of the loop, it rotates left. In the next three iterations of the loop, it moves forward three squares. In the next iteration of the loop, it rotates left. In the last three iterations of the loop, it moves forward three squares to the gray square at the bottom left corner of the grid.

Question 20:

  • Explanation: The bandwidth of a computer network is the maximum amount of data that can be sent in a fixed amount of time. With limited bandwidth, guest users will be restricted in the amount of data transmitted per second.

Question 33:

  • Explanation: Whether the model is older or newer is not related to the amount of time it will take to run a simulation, therefore A is the right answer

Question 55:

  • Explanation: Algorithm II runs in time proportional to n^2, which is considered reasonable time because n^2 is a polynomial. This is considered a heuristic approach because it finds an approximate solution in reasonable time when the technique that finds an exact solution (algorithm I) does not run in reasonable time.

Question 70:

  • Explanation: A is an answer. This code segment assigns the characters to the left of position n to the variable left and the characters to the right of position n to the variable right. It then concatenates left and right and assigns the result to newStr. For example, if oldStr is “best” and n is 3, the code segment assigns “be” to left, “t” to right, and “bet” to newStr. C is an answer. This code segment assigns the characters to the left of position n to newStr. The code segment then concatenates newStr with the substring consisting of the characters to the right of position n. For example, if oldStr is “best” and n is 3, the code segment assigns “be” to newStr, then concatenates “be” and the substring “t” and assigns the result “bet” to newStr.



  • 65/70 –> 92.8%
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  • I caught many simple misuderstandings and mistakes during the quiz.
  • Some of the questions I got wrong were because of small errors I didn’t notice, but overall I am happy with my performance

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