

  • A backend API implemented using Flask.
  • VS Code
  • Developer Tools

Step 1:

  • Go to your backend, start it with debugging enabled
  • Specifically, is what you should be looking for

Step 2: Set Breakpoint at the Beginning of Endpoint Code:

  • Identify the endpoint you want to debug in your backend code.
  • Place a breakpoint at the beginning of your endpoint
  • def get(self): t = request.args.get(‘type’)
  • set the breakpoint below the function to stop the program from getting the information

Step 3: Run Frontend with Split Screen Loading Source for API Fetch:

  • Open your frontend codebase in your code editor. Identify the component or function responsible for making the API request.
  • Great places to set your breakpoint would be at the fetch, .then and .catch
  • These breakpoints pause you before you can continue to the next line

Step 4: Run Frontend, Capture Break at Fetch, Examine Body

  • Now, run your frontend.
  • It should hit the breakpoints set in the Fetch API call.
  • Examine the request and response bodies using the browser’s developer tools.

Step 5: Press Play on Frontend, Observe Stop Inside of Backend:

  • Resume the execution of the frontend code (press play).
  • This should trigger the backend to continue its execution.
  • Observe the breakpoints hit in your backend code.
  • You should get redirected to the backend automatically.

Step 6: Press Step Over on Backend Until Obtaining Data from Database:

  • Here, you can step over the code to see all the colleted data
  • In this example it would be the Address, Distance, cookie, etc.

Step 7: Press Play Button to End Backend Debugging Session

  • To Resume the execution of your backend code (press play)
  • This will conclude the backend debugging session.

Stop 8: Frontend Debugging

  • Resume your debugging on the frontend by pressing continue (play button)

Step 9: Step In Until You See Data

  • You can continue or step in oto acquire the data requested on the frontend.
  • In this case, it would be nearby houses to the address searched.

Images will be included in the git issue.