Week 3:

This week we were preparing for our pair showcase. Abdullah and I wanted to add a tetris or a quiz game using the help from our classmates and chat GPT. Then, we wanted to add our own elements to it to make it unique. However, that did not work out as planned. I ended up changing a game called “Guess My Number.” We changed the number of inputs and outputs, as well as the background color, shadow and text font. Abdullah found another game too and I ended up copying it too and trying to edit it. The game ended up being “Whack-a-mole” and we changed the color and the speed of the moles spawning. Overall, our plans didn’t quite go as planned. In addition, Abdullah and I added a video game table of the top games in 2023, switching the order of some of them.

Main Troubles/Solutions:

This week my main problem was finding a working source code for a quiz or tetris, which it seeemed like there never was. Then, We just gave up and found a game that We liked called “guess my number.” It’s honestly a cool game, and the design we added to it was pretty cool. However, that design didn’t work till I actually ran “make clean.” Another issue was loading in images to this review ticket, which nothing was working till Mr. Mortensen helped us out with a solution using site.basurl, which is why the images are running properly now.

Comparing my games: