Week 2:

This week we had to create our personal Lab Notebook. At first nothing worked, and after a while my partner an I realized that we were missing the date and .md at the end of a copy of a file that we named “Name_Notebook.” We also added a snake game to our page this week. We made a new file in the “posts” section so it would be visible in the “Compsci” section once we ran and saved the game. In addition, this week I experimented with Python and Jupyter notebook, yet wasn’t too successful. This week we also described our previous weeks and what we did in our Lab Notebook section.

Main Troubles/Solutions:

This weeek I surprisingly didn’t face as many problems. My first problem arose when I wanted to add the JS Calcualtor from Mr. Mortensen’s page to mine. The issue was that he had the calculator linked to other js files that he had created, yet everytime I tried to copying them and dropping them the calculator bugged and never worked. After some time I realized I did not know how to solve this problem, so instead I decided to use a new calculator created by chat GPT, and this one worked perfectly. Another issue I had this week was being able to see my edited posts. The reason why I couldn’t see it was because I did not put the date and .md at the end making the file non-functional. Once that was solved, I was able to add all my plans, hacks, and tangibles for these past weeks.