Week 1:

This week we had a task to build our homepage using index.md in VS code. I learned to run and stop a server using the commands “make” and “make stop.” After setting up all my tools and files, I was ready to create my own homepage. To the homepage I added background info about myself and some relevant images including the freeform drawing. I also learned to commit and push all my new files after editing them so that they save to my GitHub account. In addition, I added a 2048 cupcake game to my code and was able to have it running. Despite facing a problem with the arrow keys I was able to switch it so that the “wasd” keys would control the 2048 cupcake game!

Main Troubles/Solutions:

This week I faced a lot of troubles. My first issue was running python –version, where it said the file could not be located. With the help of Mr. Mortensen, I was able to fix it and python 3.11.4 was now seen in the version checks. Then, I had an issue with running the “make” command, where in response it said “Error 1,” to solve this I had to use an ln -s command that solved the problem and allowed me to make my project. Lastly, my 2048 cupcake game kept moving the whole page up whenever I use the upward and downnward key. I solved this by changing the key control and switching the arrow keys to the “w a s d” keys.