At first I did not have much of a game idea, but now I am thinking of a learning adventure.
Level 1 - The turtle will be my main character. The turtle will live start in a water world. There will be several NPC characters in the world that will help the turtle solve CompSci problems until he is able to leave the world. There will be a second player, fish that you can compete against.
Interaction will require proximety and will stop game from time/destruction. There will need to be input support for game intractions and game results. Results will be stored in local storage and there will be a time based leaderboard. Solve a problem from the NPC and you can leave the world, level 1 will be game over.
NPC’s include…
- GitHub Character. The NPC will ask questions about clone, pull, push, rebase, etc.
- Linux Character. The Penguin will ask questions about mkdir, cd, ls, rm, running scripts, etc
- Jupyter Notebook Character. We ask you questions about kernelspec, magic commands, markdown, and Toggle Developer Tools.
- JavaScript Character - This will ask questions related to Variable names, Data Types ie JSON Objects, Operators, boolean expressions, conditional statements, iteration, functions, procedures, class definitions, etc.
Work Step
One of my fist steps would be simply to find all these sprits and add them to my canvas. ChatGPT gave me this lead from sharing my plan
GitHub Character (Octocat)
Description: An NPC that asks questions about GitHub commands. Image/Sprite: An octocat (GitHub’s mascot) sprite. Source: You can use GitHub’s official Octocat images or create a custom sprite.
Linux Character (Penguin)
Description: An NPC that asks questions about Linux commands. Image/Sprite: Tux the Penguin (Linux mascot). Source: Tux images are widely available, and you can find sprites on OpenGameArt or create your own.
Jupyter Notebook Character
Description: An NPC that asks questions about Jupyter Notebook features. Image/Sprite: A character with a Jupyter logo or a scientist/teacher theme. Source: You can use the Jupyter logo or create a custom character.
JavaScript Character
Description: An NPC that asks questions related to JavaScript. Image/Sprite: A character with a JavaScript logo or a coder/hacker theme. Source: You can use the JavaScript logo or create a custom character.