Game Idea
A learning adventure.
The player (turtle) will live start in a water worlkd with GitHub and Linux and progress to Jupyter and JavaScript land world. There will be NPC characters in the each world that will help the turtle solve CompSci problems until he is able to leave the world. There could be a second player, that you can compete against.
Interaction will require proximety and will stop game from time/destruction. There will need to be input support for game intractions and game results. Results will be stored in local storage and there will be a time based history for user(s). Solve all the problems from the NPCs and you can leave the world and progress until Game Over.
NPC Themes
GitHub Character (Octocat)
The NPC will ask questions about clone, pull, push, rebase, etc.
Description: An NPC that asks questions about GitHub commands.
Image/Sprite: An octocat (GitHub’s mascot).
Linux Character (Penguin)
The Tux Penguin will ask questions about mkdir, cd, ls, rm, running scripts, etc
Description: An NPC that asks questions about Linux commands.
Image/Sprite: The Penguin Tux (Linux mascot).
Jupyter Notebook Character (DALLE)
Jupyter Notebook robot will ask questions about setting interpreter, selecting kernelspec, magic commands, markdown, and inpect by “Toggle Developer Tools”.
Description: An NPC that asks questions about Jupyter Notebook features. Image/Sprite: A character with a Jupyter logo or a robot theme.
Created by ChatGPT with this description
Idle Animation Plan (3-4 frames): Frame 1 (Base Pose):
The robot holds the notebook steady, with the ring in its default position. Frame 2 (Book Movement):
The notebook tilts slightly forward as if the character is examining it. The ring begins to shift slightly clockwise. Frame 3 (Reset Pose):
The notebook returns to its original position. The ring continues its rotation slightly further clockwise. Optional Variation (Looped Detail):
Add a slight up-and-down or side-to-side bobbing of the whole character for added liveliness.
JavaScript Character (Wizard)
Description: An NPC that asks questions related to JavaScript. Image/Sprite: A character with a JavaScript logo or a wizard/coder/hacker theme.
Created by Gemini with this description
Base: A tall, pointed wizard’s cap.
JS Logo: Prominently displayed on the front of the cap (a yellow square with “JS” in bold).
Magical Elements: Add glowing sparkles, stars, or swirling curly brackets {} around the cap to give it a mystical vibe.
Color Scheme: Stick with JavaScript’s yellow and black for cohesion, but add a hint of blue or white for the magical glow.