Jesus Lives

We solemnly proclaim that God loves His children in every nation of the world. God the Father has given us the divine birth, the incomparable life, and the infinite atoning sacrifice of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. By the power of the Father, Jesus rose again and gained the victory over death. He is our Savior, our Exemplar, and our Redeemer.

Child of God

I have a story. My story is that I came to earth; just like everyone that has lived, is living, or will live. We all share an earthly experience. My excitement, to this story, is that I am a child of God. That my birth, entitled me to a divine spirit! I believe we all have that spirit and it directs us in every major decision and thought. In my 18th year, I became converted to tuning into my divine potential. Shortly after, my 19th year, two years were spent serving the people of England. There were many days walking down roads unknown and several opportunities to teach others something familiar, that “God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph and inaugurated the “restitution of all things” as foretold in the Bible. In his vision, Joseph learned that following the death of the original Apostles, Christ’s New Testament Church was lost from the earth. Joseph would be instrumental in its return”. I became increasingly aware that Jesus Christ lives as I taught of these restoring truths and observing others tuning into their divine spirit. Today, 40+ years later, I continue proclaim that same witnesses and that same spirit truth resides within each of us.

Continue in Faith

I have had 5 wonderful children. My 1st wife I met at Catalina Island, for both of us it was a love at first site experience. We framed our life on following the Savior, fighting her cancer, and adopting children. Tamara left this earth at age 42. My first 3 children and I survived, but suffered. In my darkest moments, I felt the presence of the Savior. I had a visit from Jesus in my dreams and he presented to me that my deceased wife Tamara had risen, as well as certain ancestors gone before. At that time, I needed the comfort of these tender and miraculous experiences. After two years as a single dad, it was time for a new event in my life … I remember looking across the Celestial room in the San Diego Temple and seeing someone familiar, Lora. Once again, love returned to my life, it came with a blended family, and my first biological son. As with Job in the Old Testament, in adversity “I know that my redeemer lives” and that “the latter end of my life has more than my beginning”. Through all, there has been a clarity that Jesus Lives, many divine connections, and always a continuing faith as child of God.